Tuesday, June 30, 2009

An interesting question about good writing

I was speaking with someone about writing yesterday and the question came up, "how does a professional writer create something worth while? We all have a fantastic idea that writers are budding Hemingway's or Shakespeare's and that is far from the pale in what real business writers should be aiming for, and is also far from an ideal that any writer wishes to aim for. The easy answer to this type of question is that there is no easy answer. Most professional writing comes from the assignment of a task and is often involved in the execution of a greater mission and for better or worse that makes it easier to get started. I can't say that makes the job easier but it removes much of the questioning from the process.

The other factor that I have seen ruin good writing is the perfect example of the old cliche about too many cooks ruining the pot. I have seen way too many circumstances where a draft while not perfect, is sent to others for review and comment. Each person decides they want to add their own inputs to the draft and more often than not consider the document incomplete unless their inputs are made. At the same time, these people are loath to offer any input during the drafting stage when input would be far more powerful and helpful. Of course keeping egos in check is always a challenge. I recall one senior executive who said to me that his quote didn't make him sound statesman enough and I told him that he wasn't a statesman. Honesty is so rare in the office these days.

Went on a run to Framingham and Natick yesterday and had the chance to stop by Casey's Diner in Natick for lunch. For those who don't know Casey's and have not had the privilege of eating there yet it is simply a joy. Small and family run, with maybe a dozen seats inside and some of the best hot dogs you will ever eat. Give me a place like this as opposed to the McDonald's or what have you in the world today.

Three things have me very happy today. The first is that John Lester pitched wonderfully again and the Sox won 4-0. Granted it was against the Orioles who are for all purposes a AAA ball club. I also won a free appetizer at the local Irish pub by knowing all three John Cusack/Jeremy Piven movies. Lastly, Bernie Madoff was sentenced to 150 years in jail yesterday. The men received all the mercy he deserved in my opinion. He was worse than a thief and in some cases killed people more violently than if he beat them with a club. My hope is that he live a long life behind bars and enjoy every view of those cold concrete walls.

Speaking of cold, I hope the weather turns before much longer. Supposedly it is going to be nice on July 4th. I will believe that when I see it!

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