Thursday, June 4, 2009

A Great Game For Beckett but another win for the faux fans

OK before I lavish praise on Josh Becket I need to comment on how appalling it is to see that the fake Red Sox fan's have made another inroad into their attempt to pass for real Red Sox fans. Sorry but if you wear a pink Red Sox hat your a poser! If you wear a pink hat with scratch and sniff watermelon accents not only are you a poser but you should be taken out and shot. This is the baseball equivalent of sacrilege.

On the real baseball front, Josh Beckett pitched one hell of a game last night. He reminds me of the 2007 Beckett the one who was robbed of the Cy Young Award. And yes I know the vote is taken before the playoff which is really stupid if you ask me. The Tigers were almost clueless against him and were swinging at his pitches way outside of the strike zone or frozen like wax figures at the ones just over the plate. His command was incredible. Nice to see Julio Lugo riding the pine and with Jeb Lowerie coming back from the DL Lugo will join that long list of signing mistakes the Red Sox committed at short.

I do see that the saintly crooks on Beacon Hill are railing against getting rid of their hack holiday's. Of course we need to raise taxes and cut essential services but heaven forbid we not have St. Patrick's Day ( I mean Evacuation Day) or Bunker Hill Day off. Hey if these days are so critical why not take them off with pay? Sorry it took me five minutes of laughing before I realized what I had said. Now granted the dumbest Wal-Mart greeter has more job skills than any state employee ( I can't bring myself to call them workers since no one has ever broken a sweat up there), but given that corporations are cutting back on workers to ease the pain is it too insane to ask the recipients of the Commonwealth's largest welfare pool to take a hit, or at the very least to do some work?

Well the dreary days of June are here. We have had a nice run so I will not spend much time complaining but let's not make a habit of it. In other news, the company keeps moving forward but these things are slow going sometimes and I think the one thing you have to realize is that your clock is not always other people's clock. So last game for the Sox and Tigers today. God I wish they could play them every game. Oh well as long as we don't have to play the Angels in the regular season. They are unbeatable them. A pushover in the playoffs but bears in the regular season. Oh and tell your friends to vote for Jason Bay for the All Star team. It would so rock if he made it and Manny did not!

Oh it is nice to see BC reached the goal for the stupid Neenan thing which I boycotted. If they only put as much effort into promoting a real BC institution like Cleansweep we could feel proud. Sadly those of us who take pride in the institutional goals of one of the premeire Jesuit Universities can't help but notice that fattening up the endowment and fielding a Top 25 football team seem to be all that matter.

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