Wednesday, June 10, 2009

A Lovely Day Despite the Raindrops

Nothing will bring out the Sun on a rainy morning than a Red Sox victory of the evil empire. Once again, we saw Big Papi bring out the Big Lumber and Josh Beckett pitched like the Becket of old. It does seem that Alex Rodriguez broke out the special steroids he takes to choke in big games. Not only did he go 0 for 4 but he muffed an easy double play grounder that should have ended the inning and would have saved 2 runs. Now lets give A-Fraud some credit he's only been playing third for going on five years now and this time he didn't let the ball through his legs did he?

The business continues to go on. It is tough getting a business set up when you need a partner and you have to realize that this is not like working for an established company where you can say, "Hey our deadline is tomorrow." No in starting a company you have to make sure you are balancing the partner's well being with that of your own. So it can be a slow process but you have to make sure that forward momentum never ceases.

It seems like the news is full of lurid murder stories these days. There was the one last night about the woman who was found murdered in the Blue Hills and then the two Catholic Memorial alumni who killed their coke dealer/business partner to settle a debt. How did these two guys come up with something so evil? Now I see myself as an intelligent fellow but I have to admit that I could never cook up a scheme like what we see here? But then again I also think I am way to smart to try and do that. How often do we see these idiots hauled off to jail? Look at Cuckoo Clark Rockefeller for proof that living the life of a fraud only gets you so far before you are caught.

Oh this is the time of year when television is terrible and I have to say thank God for books! I do enjoy reading in the summer time! But it will be nice for summer weather to return so I can indulge in some ice cream and especially a frappe or take a walk to Friendly's for a fribble :)

Well must work and see if the economy is rebounding as strongly as the stock market seems to indicate?

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