Thursday, June 25, 2009

The Joy of Networking

Yesterday was a big networking day for me and as with all networking it was a mixed bag. I have to admit that I enjoy networking. I am a social animal and do don't have any fear of walking up to someone new and introducing myself. I started off at a luncheon in Boston and parked down by the courthouse and the Barking Crab and then walked to Broad Street. Thanks to our lovely June weather, I was wet but the time I got there and soaked by the time I got back to my car. None the less the event was interesting and I was able to make some connections that I hope will help the business down the road.

I also went to the Price Center's cookout, held indoors due to bad weather. They had pizza from Paddy's which was very good and by the time I went to my third networking event of the night I was so full I could barely move. Still, I made some great contacts and most importantly, I enjoyed the events. Having to sell a new concept is never going to be easy, but if you're able to do it based on not only firm conviction but an easy, gregarious nature then you are sure to succeed.

Getting back to being soaked that is just another symptom of our lovely June weather. It never rained hard and that was the case yesterday. The wind is what made me wet, I never walked through anything more than a sprinkle but it was whipped around by the wind so that I was it from all ends. Needless to say, I was soaked and if were not for an access to a dryer, I would have caught pneumonia.

My third meeting was at Boston College last night and it was for a restart of their community service committee. After so many years of gross mismanagement it is nice to see them take back the initiative and return to something closer to what Boston College is supposed to be about. The previous administration of both the Alumni Association and chapter in the Boston area was a textbook case in incompetence and inability to even care about the alumni themselves. They were out for a few people and the rest of the alumni were basically excluded, quite the opposite of the great program they inherited. Thankfully this dark chapter seems closed.

Oh and another win for the Sox last night and another homer for Big Papi. Lester seemed to pitch a good game and things look great. It will be interesting to see if John Smoltz is worth the money he is set to be paid. I hope I get home in time to see it tonight!

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