Saturday, June 13, 2009

The Rains Have at Last Abated

Oh how nice it was to wake up this morning and see the sun shining bright in the more-or-less blue sky and be able to take a deep breath of fresh air. All is right in the world today not the least of which is the Red Sox winning over the Phillies last night. Jon Lester pitched a great game and were it not for a blown save would have another win on his belt. This guy Ramirez seems to blow more than his share of saves. If you recall when relievers were called fireman well this guy should be called the Arsonist.

Congrats to the Pittsburgh Penguins for winning the Stanley Cup. Still I can't get over those loser fans in Detriot booing the team and booing their own team. Gee the Wings have won it like 4 times in the past decade and are always in the final 6 or 8 each year. Yeah they are an embarrassment to a city where a mayor sits in prison for lying about firing a body guard who refused to protect him when he was cheating on his wife.

Also good jobs today to the jury that convicted Cuckoo Clark Rockefeller. This man is a con-artist pure and simple and what he is doing is trying to use the suffering of truly mentally ill people to get away from another crime. Sadly this being Massachusetts, he is only going to prison for a very short time and no doubt will be treated as if he were mentally ill. To commit a crime in Massachusetts is simply to change into another vocation. Massachusetts is a state where to break the law is rewarded and where to be an honest decent person is to be a fool. In the words of Jimmy Walker one of the most corrupt mayors of New York City during the second reign of Tammany, "Show me an honest man and I will show you a sucker." That is the Massachusetts mentality pure and simple.

Well today is errand day again as any Saturday is. Of course, Max the Wonder Dog will want to be walked and will nag until I do it. I never knew a dog who could nag?

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