Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Musings on a yucky Wednesday

Well what a perfect blah day for the perfect blah portion of the week. Just be thankful this wasn't on Monday. It is always nice to sleep when it is raining and I can't help but wonder why someone hasn't opened up a napping store? Have you ever seen those pictures or videos of the tiny hotels in Tokyo where you sleep in essentially a capsule? They seem to be quite popular and I am always surprised that someone hasn't come up with one of those for over here yet? If anyone wants to partner up on an idea let me know, I can sure as heck market it.

I was saddened to see Jon Lester get hit hard last night. I am hoping he's in a temporary slump because he had such a great season last year and I would love to see it continue to. As a rule the Sox tend to stink as a team so maybe that's a good sign who knows? Oh and it is nice to see Tom Brady decide he wants to take a break from the hectic life of being a super model's arm candy and maybe take up football again. Personally I think collecting models is a better hobby but then again, no one will pay me $15 million a year to do that.

I also like President Obama's appointment to the Supreme Court. I can't speak for her politics yet, but I do believe that all American groups deserve to have their time in the sun and it is about time that a Hispanic-American be given a prominent role in the running of this country.

On tap today is a meeting with some folks from the state to see if they can actually provide support to a new business venture. Now the answer I expect is gee we would love to but due to budget constraints we can't. Now the answer I would think would be that if you can give me a dollar today, I can pay you back with two dollars plus tomorrow and onwards. But remember that politicians have to go into office because they can't work real jobs and are too dumb to be con-artists.

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