Sunday, May 31, 2009

Ah a lovely Sunday morning

Sunday mornings are always such restful and relaxing ways to either end or start a week, depending on one's perspective. Sitting back with the newspaper, going to church, heading out for a soccer game, what ever your choice, Sunday mornings are always such quite and contemplative parts of the week with what to me seems to be fresher air and bluer skies.

I see the Prez took Mrs. Prez out to see a Broadway show last night. First off, who cares. I mean it's news when the President makes a decision regarding national security, the economy or some matter of government. I don't care that the guy goes out for burgers or to a Broadway show. It is just more proof that our news has gone to crap.

Speaking of crap, Jay Severin is being let back on the air, gee what a surprise that his indefinite suspension was as short as possible. Severin is scum plain and simple. Anyone with half a brain can not listen to his so called talk show without realizing that he's just an actor playing the part of a pundit. I have heard Michelle McPhee on WTKK and she has reasonable, well thought arguments which she presents from the conservative point of view. Jay Severin is no more a conservative then Paul Pierce is a jockey. He is much closer to Howard Stern than to anyone intelligent.

Oh I did take Max the Wonder Dog for a ride in my car yesterday. I noticed something very unusual when I got him back to my mother's house. For one thing he was sitting down in the passenger seat, staring straight ahead as if he were a human being. My first thought was "NOT GOOD" I was thinking there might be a pool of pee or worse waiting. Nope, thankfully all he did was to wrap his leash in the seat belt holder and then under his hind legs. Essentially hog tieing himself to the seat. Now if I can only teach him to do that.

Oh and let's not forget the Boston Fireman who is implicated in growing pot in his basement. Well we all know how Boston Firefighters don't need drug testing and here is yet more proof of that. Why don't these idiots with cushy civil service jobs understand how easy they have it? This guy is as stupid as the Registrar of Probate in Middlesex County who realized that he could make so much more money stealing quarters from the copy machines in full view of the video cameras. Wow, what a genius!!!

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