Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The overlooked and often most effective PR tool!

Most PR organizations will ever be mistaken for nimble industries who are ahead of market developments. Quite the opposite of their own spin, the PR industry is often very reactive and tends to grab a certain topic they believe is hot and bite onto it like it is the second coming. As a result, legitimate ways of helping to build a client brand can be overlooked.

One clear cut example of this is my opinion is the use of speaking opportunities. I never cease to be amazed at how PR people will nearly froth at the mouth when one mentions social media, yet if the topic is speaking opportunities you get the confused puppy dog look. Yet in this age where the big books are dying and where personal, face to face, time is considered an essential for an organization to succeed in this marketplace a well placed speaking opportunity can have amazing implications for your brand.

First of all you need to understand the hierarchy of the speaking opportunity. Regardless of how great your brand concept is or how super a speaker you are, unless you are a well known organization already you need to set your sights low to begin with. You will NOT be the closing key not speaker your first time out. Sorry but that is just how things are! But there is a way that can work if you have true vision and long term goals for your organization.

First of all, when you are getting started, offer to take spots on the panel discussions. These positions are the hardest for event organizers to fill as there are much more panel discussions. Sometimes, if you make a good case that your speaker is talented and thoughtful you can get in as a panel moderator. Once you do this, and assuming you do well, you are then well positioned to move up the food chain the next time there is an opportunity with this organization. You are also well placed to offer to help out at other events and now you have the beginning of a CV that will demonstrate your thought leadership on your area of expertise.

One other area I would recommend is the use of bylined articles to demonstrate thought leadership. This should be done in coordination with the formula I listed above. Byline's are great because you can expound on a topic that rests within your area of expertise and demonstrate the innovative and creative ideas you can offer. Ideally the byline should be published first but even if you wish to present it as a "pending printing" or something like that you should be good. What you want to do is to show you have creative ideas and can present new ideas to the discussion pool.

So remember that one of the most effective PR tools, more so than releases and pounding after the media, is being a member of a speaker's panel at an event. Your organization should make a speaker's panel a key part of its organization and as a result you will see a very quick rise in the name recognition of your organization within your industry.

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